Kindy Connect
One of the recent stories to come out of Connected Schools partnership has been Kindy Connect, a joint collaboration at the Salisbury Lutheran Kindergarten which shows perfectly the benefits of the collective group of schools.
The maintenance assistants from within the Connected Schools community worked together to give their time and resources to construct a 3m square storage shed at the Kindergarten. This project was developed to build on the connections between the Kindergarten and the other schools that make up Connected Schools, hopefully, the first of many projects. It was also a great opportunity for our maintenance staff to work together and build on their existing work connections and relationships.
The ‘Shedmen’ enjoyed their time at the Kindy, interacting with the pre-schoolers and answering all of their questions. The Kindergarten warmly welcomed them, providing lunch and morning teas. The Shed will be a storage shed for Kindergarten archival records and occasional use equipment.
Supporting businesses who provided free concrete and a greatly discounted price for the shed are greatly appreciated.
Kindy Connect has been a great success thanks to the support of school Principals, Business Managers and Councils of Connected Schools.
Michael Barrett
Good Shepherd Para Vista
Jenny Schapel
Salisbury Lutheran Kindergarten