My thinking and understanding on the education process has been influenced to some degree by the renowned American psychologist, John Dewey. What makes this an interesting statement is that Dewey was an education reformer – but over 100 years ago! Currently, we are displaying one of his most famous quotes. While he was reflecting and…
Our Connected Schools are on a journey learning about and applying positive education in our own contexts. It has been a long journey for some of our schools, while others are at the early stages of this life changing work. Research over many years by people such as Dr Martin Seligman, Carol Dweck and Barbara Fredrickson…
Without any research, can you place these events in chronological order? Australia adopts decimal currency Cuban Missile Crisis First moon landing Cyclone Tracy Harold Holt drowns Referendum gives citizenship status to Aboriginal Australians Chances are that you may not be able to do this off the top of your head. If you attempt this little…
When schools talk about changing the way learning occurs to prepare students for the future, key components of this process are encouraging students to take risks and learn from their mistakes. When many parents went to school, myself included, there seemed to be a greater focus on right and wrong answers. Kathryn Schulz, an author in the…