Celebrating Sports Days
Over the last few weeks Good Shepherd, Golden Grove and St Paul primary schools held their annual Sports Days. Many wonderful moments of positive sportsmanship, individual efforts and inspirational team support were enthusiastically cheered on by parents, grandparents and friends.
The events all ran smoothly thanks to the careful planning of Sports Coordinators. On the day, staff, parents and Endeavour College Year 9 student helpers worked together to ensure the smooth running of each event. Novelty events, involving staff/parents/students were keenly contested and resulted in a good natured friendly rivalry. Community pride was clearly evident through the vibrant, colourful carnival atmospheres of team colours and songs. With the enticing aroma of BBQ sausages and stalls selling sweet treats, all members of the school communities were involved, ranging from parents and friends groups and out of school care teams.
Sports days are a shining example of how each school community celebrates student effort and achievement, involving parent and friends, that makes each of our Connected Schools so special.
Julie Freund
Community Coordinator
Endeavour College