School Culture starts with Community
Nothing speaks louder about the culture of a school than the interactions that take place within it. At the heart of Good Shepherd’s Welcome Party and 40th Birthday celebrations, was genuine respect for, and interest in others. A proud moment in the history of the community!
“To like many people spontaneously and without effort is perhaps the greatest of all sources of personal happiness.” Bertrand Russell
What are the truly powerful catalysts for maximising student learning and success in school? A clear and shared philosophy, outstanding educators, quality facilities and resources? These might be where one’s thoughts are immediately drawn. Of course, they are important, but there’s an even stronger force – ‘Community’. This is the reason why we invest so heavily across our Connected Schools community, in people and the development and growth of quality relationships. It’s the piece of the educational puzzle that makes everything work.
With around 1100 in attendance, the 2021 Welcome Party provided a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together (COVID safely of course) in celebration of its service to the local community since 1981. The enjoyment and fellowship shared was a very clear indicator of the health of the community.
Sincere thanks and congratulations to all of those who contributed to the success of the event. It is good to laugh together, to take time out to talk, to parade an 80s outfit, and to generate excitement through shared experiences with our families.