Assessment is a fundamental element of teaching pedagogy. It is part of the construction of understanding process including what we want the students to learn, how might they learn best and how we will know what they have learned.
Teacher judgement is at the centre of assessment and reporting against achievement standards. Quality and consistency of judgements are very important. Moderation has for a long time been identified as one way to address quality and consistency.
Moderation involves
- collaboration between teachers
- knowing the students and the achievement standard expected for the year level
- knowing the knowledge, skills and understandings that make a successful student at the specific year level
- designing assessments addressing the success criteria
- purposeful, engaging, relevant, teaching and learning opportunities for students to reach their potential
- assessing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills
- assessing student work based on the success criteria
- coming together with other teachers to ensure consistent, equivalent and equitable professional judgement against success criteria and achievement standards occurs
All our Connected Schools acknowledge the importance of reliable and consistent teaching and learning practices and the importance of professional collaboration. Good Shepherd Lutheran School and Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School are participating in the AISSA Cross-school Moderation Project Leading Quality Schools Assessment Practice.
As Connected Schools, we have the perfect opportunity to engage professionally and we look forward to sharing our journey and future opportunities.
Ruth Carter
Teaching & Learning Coordinator
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School